
Equal Opportunities Policy

General Statement :

  • Magical Moments Day Care is open to all children within the specified age range regardless of their race, gender, language, culture, religion, any disability or social background.
  • Magical Moments Day Care recognizes and values each child, their experiences and their previous learning.
  • All children are encouraged to respect and value others.
  • All children have equal access to all the equipment and resources.
  • Practices within the creche will enable the children to develop positive attitudes to differences of race, culture and language and different gender and ability.

Admissions :

  • Magical Moments Day Care is open to every family in the community. The waiting list not based on a first come first served basis, but what we believe to be a fairer system.

Priority will be given to families in the following areas;

  1. Families from the catchment areas of St.Giles estate, Ermine East, Ermine West & then from other areas of Lincoln and the surrounding villages.
  2. Children who are not eligible for a place in other early years establishments.
  3. Children who do not attend any other early years establishment.
  4. Children who are referred to the day care by their GP, health visitor or social worker.

Employment :

  • Magical Moments Day Care will treat fairly all applicants for vacancies and will not reject any applicants because of their gender, race, religion culture, disability or social background. An exemption clause is The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act due to the nature of working with vulnerable groups. Every person considered for the job will be police checked for this purpose. Every paid employee will be registered. We will let all applicants for vacancies know about the Equal Opportunities Policy when they apply. We will always appoint the “best person” for the position

The Curriculum :

  • All children will be respected and their individuality and potential recognized, valued and nurtured. Activities and use of play equipment will offer children opportunities to develop in an environment free of prejudice and discrimination. Opportunities will be offered to the children to explore, acknowledge and value similarities and differences between themselves and others.

Resources :

  • Resources will be chosen to give the children a balanced view of the world and an appreciation of the rich diversity of our society. Toys, equipment will be selected to help children develop their self – respect and to respect other people. Stereotypes and negative images of any group of people will be avoided.

Festivals :

  • The principal religious festivals of the children within the playgroup will be celebrated in an appropriate manner, as is each child’s birthday. In order to raise awareness of the ethnic groups not represented in the day care, other festivals will be included in our programme of activities. Any parent not wishing their child to be included in any of the above celebrations have a right to make their wishes known and will be asked to give written confirmation to this effect.

Language :

  • Information both written and verbal will be clearly communicated in as many languages as necessary. Where families and children cannot communicate verbally or where English is not their first language, appropriate assistance will be sought from the local social services area office and/or English as an acquired language unit.

Food :

  • All medical, cultural and dietary needs will be met.

Families :

  • The day care recognizes that many types of families successfully love and care for their children. Parent’s wishes will be respected when caring for your child.

Special Needs :

  • Every effort will be made to accomodate the special needs of a child(ren) from the community who are within the age range in order for them to attend day care.

Committee Meetings :

  • These are held on a bi-monthly basis.

Discriminatory Behaviour and Remarks :

These are unacceptable and will never go unchallenged. We will help those responsible to overcome their prejudices:

  1. Any staff member, volunteer, student or visitor will be appropriately challenged if they use discriminatory or offensive remarks. They will be helped to understand why this is unacceptable.
  2. Children will be positively and appropriately challenged if they make discriminatory or offensive remarks and helped to understand why this is unacceptable.

Safeguarding Children Policy

General Statement:

In accordance with the reformed EYFS Magical Moments Day Care will have regard to the Governments Guidance ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015’. If our staff have concerns about children’s safety or welfare the setting will notify agencies with statutory responsibilities without delay. This means the local children’s social services and in emergencies the police.

Children have a right to be safe and secure. Magical Moments Day Care fully recognises its responsibility for safeguarding children (child protection).

This policy applies to all staff, management and volunteers working within the setting, and the families accessing the setting.

  • The welfare of the children attending this setting is paramount and concerns about child abuse will be taken seriously. This policy therefore compliments and supports, a range of other policies.
  • We work within the guidelines set out by the local Area Safeguarding Children’s Board for Child Protection and Early Help which are underpinned by the statutory document ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015’
  • All staff will be aware of safeguarding children (child protection) procedures and will be required to attend safeguarding children (child protection) training regularly.
  • Recruitment procedures will ensure the suitability of staff and volunteers working with children and will follow EYFS safeguarding and welfare requirements with regard to Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and references. Where there is a delay in obtaining the enhanced DBS check, staff will not have unsupervised contact with children.
  • All staff are expected to disclose any convictions, cautions, court orders, reprimands and warnings that may affect their suitability to work with children whether received before or during employment at the setting. There is a process in place that provides staff with opportunities to share such information.
  • All staff are trained in the settings safeguarding policy and procedures within the first week of employment and will be required to access and attend appropriate training. Training will be refreshed every three years.
  • All staff are made aware of possible indicators of child abuse, which are:
    Neglect- is the persistent failure to meet physical and psychological needs, which may result in the serious impairment of the child’s health and development. For example; poor hygiene, untreated medical problems, emaciation or undernourished. Staff may notice behavioural signs such as a child who is always hungry, is constantly tired or talks of being left alone.
    Physical Abuse- physical signs may involve unexplained bruising in unlikely areas, facial bruising, hand/finger marks, burns, lacerations and abrasions. Staff may notice certain behavioural signs that also indicate physical abuse such as a child that shy’s away from physical contact, is withdrawn or aggressive towards others or their behaviour changes suddenly.
    Sexual Abuse- Physical signs may include brusing consistent with being held firmly, discomfort in walking/sitting, pain or itching in the genital arera, discharge or blood on underclothes, or loss of appetite. Behavioural signs include drawings or play showing indicators of sexual activity, sexual explicit language, knowledge of adult sexual behaviour, seductive behaviour towards others, poor self esteem and a child who is withdrawn.
    Emotional Abuse-Physical signs of emotional abuse may include a general failure to thrive, not meeting expected development milestones and behaviourally a child who tells lies, have an ability to have fun, low self esteem, speech disorders, and be inappropriately affectionate towards others.
    They will know the procedures for identifying, reporting and recording concerns, for suspected cases of abuse, through staff training both internal and external.
  • The staff will be made aware of the importance of recognising reporting inappropriate behaviour displayed by staff members or any other person working with the children. For example, inappropriate sexual comments: excessive one to one attention beyond the requirements of their usual roles and responsibilities: or inappropriate sharing of images through staff training both internal and external.
  • The setting will ensure a safe environment in which children feel valued, can learn and develop, feel secure and are encouraged to talk and be listened to.
  • The setting will not tolerate on the premises any parent/ carer under the influence of alcohol or any other substance. Any parent under the influence of alcohol or any other substance will be refused admission and Magical Moments day care will determine if it is appropriate and safe for the child to leave with them. If a child is kept on the premises in this situation other adults authorised to collect the child will be contacted. If there is no authorised adult available to collect the child the setting will contact the police in accordance with the uncollected child policy.
  • The setting has a duty to protect children and their families from radicalisation and extremism under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015. The designated lead will be trained to look for any signs and any suspious activities with regard to terrorism will be reported to:-
                                 PC Riz Chothia PREVENT OFFICER (North)
                             East Midlands Special Operations Unit-Special Branch
                             Office: 01522 885350 Mobile: 07795 265621
                                  E-Mail: [email protected]
  • A practitioner will take lead responsibility for Safeguarding issues. The designated lead practitioner primarily is:- JULIE CURTIS. However the designated lead is not always on site therefore the senior team will deal with any safeguarding issues should they arise when designated lead not present. The designated lead will consult with another senior staff member as to next steps.
  • The lead practitioner will provide support, guidance to any other staff members on an ongoing basis, and on any specific safeguarding issues as required. The lead practitioners have accessed a level two taught course in safeguarding and will refresh training every three years.
  • The senior staff team will also attend the taught level two course.
  • The use of mobile phones will be covered in our safeguarding procedure.
  • The setting has a clear procedure that will be implemented when an allegation is made against a member of staff.
  • As a registered provider we will inform OFSTED of any allegations of serious harm or abuse by any person living, working or looking after the children at the premises and will notify them of any actions taken in respect of the allegations. The full procedure can be found in the Safeguardng Procedure.

Any referrals should be made by telephone to:

Lincolnshire County Council Children’s Services Customer Services Centre:

Office Hours: 01522 782111 or Out or hours: 01522 782333
Where there is an allegation against a staff member or person living or working on the premises we will also liaise directly with the LADO 01522 554674

Lincolnshire Police: 030 0111 0300

The setting will implement the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Escalation Policy, if there are any concerns that a referral to the Customer Services Centre has not been dealt with appropriately.

This policy will be implemented in conjunction with the safeguarding children (child protection) procedure.

The welfare of all children is paramount and any suspicion of abuse will be dealt with immediately.

Complaints Policy:

  1. If you have a complaint about any aspect of the day care, please take this up with Julie Curtis, the manager in the first instance. The manager will do their best to deal with any complaint raised and tackle it in the most appropriate manner for the type of complaint registered.
  2. If the procedure in step number one is not possible or you are unsatisfied with the outcome you should complain using a complaints form to the management committee by sending your correspondence to:
    Carrie Greenfield
    Magical Moments Day Care
    c/o Sure Start Children’s centre
    Lamb Garden, Lincoln, LN2 4EG

    The committee will review the situation and take an important non-judgemental view of the complaint registered taking into consideration all appropriate information. The committee will attempt to resolve the complaint registered as quickly and effectively as possible.

  3. If having taken both courses of action and you are still unsatisfied you should then contact:
    Floor 3
    Royal Exchange Building
    St. Anned Square
    Manchester M2 7LA

Early Years OFSTED will then investigation your complaint thoroughly and in the most appropriate manner for the nature of the complaint registered.

  • In the event of a parent failing to collect their child the procedure we will follow is:
    • Contact the parent if possible
    • If there is no reply then contact an emergency contact which should be in the children records.
    • If we are still unable anyone then two members of staff will stay with the child for half an hour until the parents arrives, still trying all contact numbers.
    • After this time has lapsed then the police will be informed.
  • In the event of a child being lost
    • Contact the parent if possible, if not an emergency contact.
    • Contact the police.

Magical Moments at Lincoln

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